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Opening Reception: April Exhibitions


Join us on April 17th 6-9pm for the Opening Reception of our new April Exhibitions!

Sweet Dreams by Katia Labranche in Gallery I:

‘Sweet Dreams’ encourages viewers to immerse themselves in the comfort of falling asleep, through whimsical drawings, offering a chance to momentarily escape from reality.

The 68th NOAA Touring Juried Exhibition in Gallery II:

TheNOAA is a vibrant network of sixteen independent art clubs, representing nearly 400 artists across Northern Ontario. Since its founding in 1949, the NOAA has been dedicated to fostering art in remote communities and promoting the appreciation of original works.

This will be a wonderful opportunity to meet the artists and mingle amongst great artwork, food, drink and delightful company!

This event is FREE to attend! All are welcome!

Opening Reception: April Exhibitions