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THE BARRA MacNEILS - An East Coast Christmas 2021


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The Barra MacNeils - An East Coast Christmas is a musical potpourri of traditional MacNeil family favourites gleaned from Christmas ceilidhs, midnight masses and the general festive frolic that accompanies each holiday season.  With their captivating vocals, distinctive harmonies and extraordinary musicianship, The Barra MacNeils inject new life and energy into the sights and sounds of Christmas...one moment a rousing chorus, then a hauntingly beautiful Gaelic ballad, the next a flurry of foot-stomping instrumentals, which of course pulls one then another into a step-dancing revelry. For a delightful seasonal celebration, don’t miss An East Coast Christmas with the Barra MacNeils!

“one of the best five Christmas albums of all time!” -  Globe & Mail 

“a treasure of the East Coast, rich with tradition and unmatched in ensemble performance” - Halifax Daily News 

AS PER PROVINCIAL LAW, PROOF OF COVID-19 VACCINATION REQUIRED UPON ENTRY TO EVENT FOR ALL PATRONS 12+.  Mask required. Venue to be sold at full capacity for this event. All seats sold without social distancing. Mask may be removed for eating/drinking in assigned seat only.

Upon entry to the show you will be asked to show a printed or digital copy of your second vaccine receipt, or your vaccine certificate (with QR code). Please note your second dose must have occurred at least 14 days prior to the date of the event. You will also need to show valid ID along with your proof of vaccination. Your proof of vaccination can be downloaded by visiting http://covid19.ontariohealth.ca. Those ticket holders who do not have proof of COVID-19 vaccination due to a medical exemption must show a certified document from a medical professional outlining the exemption, as well as a negative COVID-19 test dated within three days of the event.

Other COVID-19 restrictions will be as per provincial COVID-19 regulations on date of event.

By purchasing this ticket, the purchaser acknowledges that their contact information may be shared by the Capitol Centre with the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit if needed for the purpose of COVID-19 contact tracing



Ontario COVID-19 vaccination service

Ontario Health patient registration system for COVID-19 vaccination scheduling



THE BARRA MacNEILS - An East Coast Christmas 2021