Exhibitions, Art Competition in the Works - Nugget Article | Capitol Centre

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Exhibitions, Art Competition in the Works - Nugget Article

By | May 27, 2021

With Ontario’s opening plan right around the corner, we’ve been working hard to bring the Kennedy Gallery back to life for you all to enjoy once we’re able to open.

This means brainstorming and planning, talking to local artists and getting our 2021 exhibitions back into action. We were able to get two exhibitions into the works and an art contest as well.

Of course, the opening dates of all these events will be announced as Ontario deems fit and you all will be the first to know.

Firstly, let’s talk about competitions.

This year, the WKP Kennedy Gallery and Capitol Centre are excited to be hosting Clash of the Canvas, where artists battle head to head in a live-streamed painting challenge.

We are still taking applications for this event so if you’re interested in painting on stage against other locals, email your name and phone number to [email protected] or direct message the Kennedy Gallery on Instagram.


The Clash of the Canvas is going to be one event you do not want to miss.

Besides crazy events, we will be continuing with our 2021 programming with just some minor tweaks. We are hoping to release some more information for everyone as soon as we ourselves have solidified the plans. But we can tell you that for our two upcoming exhibitions – that’s right, two – we are working with local organizations to create amazing displays of work, culture, and talent which, at their core, represent the North Bay community and all of those who live within it.

But to keep you satisfied until we can tell you more, please check out our Instagram account, @kennedygallery, as it is still being taken over weekly by local professional artists who we can’t get enough of.

This week we have Alex Rondeau, a born and bred Northern Ontario artist and curator, who will be showing you his studio and art-making process right on our stories.

So keep up with us on social media and we promise you won’t be disappointed.

See you soon North Bay.
